Youth Diversion

H.B. 3186 (88th Legislative Session), the Texas Youth Diversion and Early Intervention Act, increases opportunities for early identification of at-risk youth and for redirecting children accused of certain Class C misdemeanors. Currently, municipal and justice courts can only order diversion strategies after a case has resulted in a conviction or deferral of disposition. H.B. 3186 makes these strategies available at the front end of a case where they can be more effective. This aligns municipal and justice court practices with those used by juvenile probation and juvenile courts. The bill also recalibrates and expands opportunities for collaboration and financial resources in both rural and urban parts of Texas. H.B. 3186 requires the adoption of a youth diversion plan for every municipal and justice court no later than January 1, 2025.

This page is intended to serve as a clearinghouse of resources for municipal courts to implement the requirements of H.B. 3186. Please check back frequently for newly added resources.


NEW! Video: Youth Diversion Panel Discussion – 2024 TMCEC Juvenile Case Managers Seminar

This video features a youth diversion panel discussion from the 2024 TMCEC Juvenile Case Managers Seminar. Moderated by Hon. Ryan Kellus Turner, panelists discussed roles and responsibilities, youth diversion plans, communication, and other helpful information and ideas. Panelists: Jennifer Bozorgnia, Hon. Cass Callaway, and Hon. Cynthia Gore


CAVEAT: The forms below are intended to serve as only a guide and to provide accurate and current information. However, it is published with the intention that TMCEC is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice. All users must be responsible for their own legal drafting. Legal drafting should be accompanied by legal advice and direction from the city attorney. TMCEC and its employees do not warrant, either expressly or implicitly, that the forms and information below have not been subject to change, amendment, reversal, or revision.

Diversion Agreement: Word PDF

Dismissal of Charge Pursuant to Diversion Agreement: Word PDF

Referral to Court for Hearing – Non-compliance with Diversion Agreement: Word PDF

Order on Referral Hearing – Non-compliance with Diversion Agreement: Word PDF

Generic Diversion Plan Template

Sample Diversion Plans

The following diversion plans are samples and not models. Your court’s diversion plan should be tailored to the needs of your city.

Austin Municipal Court

Bastrop Municipal Court

Dripping Springs Municipal Court

Friona Municipal Court

Lubbock County

Milam County

Rockport Municipal Court

If you would like to include your court’s youth diversion plan as a sample, please email it to

Other Sample Documents

Sample MOU for Service Providers (Submitted by the Irving Municipal Court)

Sample MOU (Submitted by Aransas County)

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Austin, TX 78756

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