Flip Cards
Part 1: Minimal Requirements
1. What is the name of the fixed piece of hardware that stores information permanently or for long term use
The hard drive.
2. What is the difference between the hard drive and the processor?
The hard drive stores files for permanent or long-term use, and the processor reads and executes commands.
3. What does RAM stand for and what is it used for?
RAM stands for random access memory. It is a memory device in the form of a computer chip or inline memory module that stores information for processing by the computer. This highspeed memory holds a copy of the operating system, any current applications being used, and all information that is being processed while the system is in use. The file that is being modified and all changes that are made are kept in RAM until it is “saved.”
4. What is the difference between the hardware and software in computers?
Hardware is the actual physical equipment while software refers to the programs that are used on the computer.
5. What is the “software” equivalent on a mobile device?
6. What purpose does utility software serve?
This software allows for file management, file compression, and data backup.
Flip Cards
Part 2: Court Online & Part 3: Going Online
7. List one advantage and one disadvantage of using a large national internet service provider?
Answers will vary. An advantage is that they have free software and technical assistance. A disadvantage is that the telephone lines used to access the internet may frequently be busy during peak hours.
8. What is a URL?
It is a set of letters or words that represent numbers (an address) that can digitally access websites.
educational institution
10. What is hypertext?
The system used to cross-link or anchor documents by highlighted words or symbols. On the web, if a word is underlined or colored differently than the surrounding text, it usually means that it has been linked to another page. To access more information about that word, click on it.
11. List three guidelines for cyberspace etiquette.
Guidelines for cyberspace etiquette are: Assume publicity as email is easily forwarded. “Flame wars” or verbal warfare and heated messages should be avoided. Others’ time and energy should be respected and internet use should be kept short. Keep in mind that things that may seem funny in person can seem rude or sarcastic in print. Chain letters should not be forwarded in the professional environment. Be careful when opening mail from unknown persons, as it may contain viruses or solicitations.
12. How does a search engine work?
A search engine works by sending out a spider to locate all the documents on the web and indexes those websites for easy, quick access for users.
13. When should a URL with encryption be used?
An encrypted URL, such as one beginning with “https” should be used to protect confidential information such as online financial transactions.
14. Most e-mail systems can send messages as well as send and receive files.
15. What is a firewall?
A software product or piece of hardware that prevents unauthorized access to a networked computer via an outside connection.
16. What is encryption?
A process of encoding information so that it remains confidential from all when sent on the internet except to the intended recipient.
Flip Cards
Part 4: Court Management Technology
17. List three benefits of automating your court.
The benefits of automating your court are: Reduction of repetitive tasks; Enhancement of data quality; Increased information accessibility; Increased organizational integration; Enhanced statistics and monitoring; Increased effectiveness; and Electronic reporting
18. Explain how an imaging system may someday produce a paperless court
Through imaging, all court paper documents are digitized and the images stored on a disk, CD-ROM, or the hard drive. These exact reproductions are retrieved whenever the case is processed or heard. The documents move electronically from court to clerk to prosecutor and finally, to storage.
19. What statutes authorize the court to use electronically created records, signatures, and dockets?
Articles 45.012 and 45.017 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
20. Give three examples of financial management capabilities that a court software program should offer
Answers will vary but may include the ability to generate financial reports, record receipts, tabulate and track fine payments and court costs, post payments and fines to the general ledger, and track bond payments, refunds, and forfeitures.
Flip Cards
Part 5: Methods to Assist in Fine Collection
21. Explain the use of photo imaging in fine collection
The court staff or officer takes a digital photograph of the defendant that is attached to the file in case he or she later defaults on a payment. The file and photograph can be sent with a capias pro fine to the warrant division for service.
22. Courts may not collect payments by credit card.
23. Courts may collect fines and fees over the internet.
Flip Cards
Part 6: Technology for Public Information
The canons of the Code of Judicial Conduct would apply to items placed on a website by a judge or person working under his or her authority.
25. Outline both court and public information that might be included on a court’s website
Answers will vary. See the list in Part 6(A)(1).
Flip Cards
Part 7:
26. The Attorney General has opined that computerized signatures are permissible on affidavits for arrest warrants as long as the affiant swears to the truth of the affidavit and signs it in the presence of the person administering the oath.
27. A clerk should only affix a judge’s signature stamp or cause the judge’s electronic signature to be placed on a document if it is done at the judge’s direction and in the judge’s presence.
28. It is okay for clerks to email derogatory or sexist jokes to a friend using the court’s computer since the public will not see the joke.
29. The court’s email is confidential.
30. Clerks can use the court’s email to support a candidate for mayor.
31. Accessing a racist internet site on a court computer may violate the Code of Judicial Conduct.
32. Name three advantages and three disadvantages to using social media in the court setting.
Advantages include: Greater competitiveness in employee recruiting; Enhanced access for the disabled; Creation of virtual communities; Instantaneous information sharing; Information dissemination and exchange, such as improving public awareness of government services; Enhanced collaboration between agencies; Enhanced public safety by allowing increased dissemination of agency information in a time of emergency; Coolness factor; Providing consistent information that is automatically logged and documented; and Cost saving for courts, cities, and citizens. Disadvantages include: Lack of resources for: bandwidth needed to support streaming videos and higher online traffic; labor and personnel needs for maintaining social media sites; and additional training costs; Legal and regulatory ramifications for information that is not properly monitored, checked for accuracy, and that does not adhere to existing federal and state laws; Governance (who can post on courts’ behalf, leakage of sensitive information, and perceived endorsements or advertisements); Showing preference for one site over another; Security of confidential data, court infrastructure, and security of citizens; Accessibility and the issue of placing too much reliance on the internet further perpetuates the disadvantages of those who do not have access to the internet; Perception of social media being too cool or fun for government purposes; and Information overload.
Flip Cards
Part 10: Ergonomics at the Keyboard
33. What are RMIs and how can they be prevented?
Repetitive motion injuries occur when the tendons and nerves in the hand, wrist, and arm become irritated from overuse causing numbness, tingling, or pain. These injuries can be prevented in several ways: keep the elbows slightly higher than the keyboard while typing; avoid bending the wrists up or down or side to side while typing; be aware of how much force is used on the keys; avoid resting your wrists on sharp edges while typing;ace yourself; identify immediately any weakness, numbness, or pain that is felt in the hands or arms and notify a supervisor; and use a track ball or keyboard instead of a mouse.
34. What are two steps that can reduce neck strain?
Keep the screen no higher than eye level and avoid moving the head from side to side or looking down.
35. What are two steps that can reduce eye strain?
Minimize the glare from the monitor screen and take frequent breaks to reduce fatigue.