Congratulations on your recent appointment or election! Please submit the following information form to TMCEC by faxing it to 512.435.6118 or scan/email to, and download this helpful pamphlet to answer some of the frequently asked questions by new judges. The Texas Municipal Courts Education Center is your resource for any and all of the unknowns that will meet you as you embark in this new position. Please feel free to contact TMCEC toll-free at 800.252.3718 if you have questions. We look forward to seeing you around the State soon.
To get started on your judicial education, visit the following webpages:
- Judicial Education FAQ
- Required Bail Training
- Youth Diversion & Child Welfare Education Requirements
- Oaths of Office
- General Enrollment Information
- Registration
- Judges Program
Code Construction Act
Below are recordings on the Code Construction Act, which provide valuable information on interpreting the law, a core function of the judiciary.