Municipal judges who have completed at least two years of required judicial education through TMCEC AND have completed 8 hours of continuous live presentation for the current academic year through TMCEC are eligible to complete the remaining 8 hours of required training by using “flex time.”
“Flex-time” can be satisfied through in-person presentations, approved online education, or any combination of approved in-person events and online education.
Approved Providers include:
American Judges Association | Texas Center for the Judiciary |
ABA (American Bar Association Traffic Seminar | Texas Council on Family Violence |
Center for American and International Law | Texas Court Clerks Association |
Harvard Law School | Texas Court of Criminal Appeals |
Houston Municipal Court | Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Project |
Juvenile Law Section of the State Bar | Texas Defense Lawyers Project |
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers | Texas District and County Attorney’s Association |
National Center for State Courts | Texas Indigent Defense Commission |
National College of District Attorneys | Texas Justice Court Judges Association, Inc. |
National Council of Juvenile and Family Law judges | Texas Justice Court Training Center |
The National Judicial College | Texas Juvenile Justice Department |
Office of Court Administration | Texas Municipal Courts Association |
State Bar of Texas Municipal Judges Section | Texas Municipal League |
State Bar of Texas Professional Development Programs | U.S. Army, Judge Advocate School |
Texas Association of Counties |
Flex time must be reported to TMCEC. Proof of training certificates can be emailed to or faxed (512.435.6118) into TMCEC. All hours must be submitted by the end of the academic year, August 31st of every year. We ask that you submit the hours as soon as possible to allow us time to process them.
Policy for Non-TMCEC Online Providers
TMCEC’s Executive Director and/or Director of Education may approve online education from an approved provider. Video, audio, and online programs are eligible for flex-time. Opt outs must consist of in-person training or live, synchronous online programming of at least 8 hours in length. All flex time and opt out hours must be from an approved provider and be an approved topic related to the jurisdiction of municipal courts or the work of a municipal judge as a magistrate.