Teen Court

The 2025 Teen Court Workshop was a huge success! Check back later for information on the 2026 Teen Court Workshop, tentatively scheduled for February 23-24 in Georgetown, Texas. Registration will open in the Fall.

Is your court interested in establishing or improving your teen court program? Are you looking for ways to implement Youth Diversion?
TMCEC, in conjunction with the Georgetown Municipal Court, Teen Court Association of Texas, and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), is proud to offer a teen court workshop. Enrollment is limited. This workshop includes live teen court proceedings and provides the tools necessary to start or enhance a teen court program in your city! Travel reimbursement is available.

For more information contact Ned Minevitz at ned@tmcec.com or 800.252.3718.

Teen courts provide a voluntary alternative to traditional adjudication and sentencing for teenagers in municipal or justice courts. Texas teen courts are governed by Article 45A.401 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Section 54.032 of the Family Code. When offered under Article 45A.401, teen defendants are able to plead no contest or guilty and have their case heard amongst peers. Typically, instead of paying a fine, the defendant’s penalty will be in the form of community service, educational programs, and/or future participation in teen court. Once the penalty is satisfied, the case is dismissed and the offense does not count as a conviction on the defendant’s record. Teen courts have proven very successful in preventing impaired driving and other traffic offenses committed by teenagers. Teen Court is also one of the listed Youth Diversion strategies in Article 45.305 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

There are multiple aims of teen court. Rather than simply assessing a fine that will likely be paid for by the defendant’s parents, teen court requires the teen to answer personally for his or her wrongdoing. This helps prevent repeat offenses as the defendant will not want to spend more time doing community service or going to teen court. Also, when a case is tried in front of juries and lawyers comprised of one’s peers, there can be a profound effect on the defendant. Last, a subsidiary yet important goal is to promote respect for and understanding of the legal system.

In Texas there are a variety of teen court models. Each one is slightly different. Generally, a juvenile is referred to teen court by the municipal or justice court and has his or her case argued by a teen prosecuting attorney and teen defense attorney. A jury of the defendant’s peers deliberates and decides on a binding punishment for the defendant. These various roles are filled by teens fulfilling the punishment that was assessed upon them in teen court. Some courts have adult judges, some have teen judges, and some have adult volunteers who serve on teen court.

The types of trials vary: adult judge court, teen/peer judge court, master jury, tribunal jury, advocate court, plea in bar, and court supervised. TMCEC recommends that you observe the various types of teen court to determine what best suits your community and court.

The management of teen court also varies: some teen courts are run by cities or counties while some are run by non-profit boards or agencies.


  • A dedicated court staff
  • A desire to make the community a safer place
  • A willingness to treat teenage defendants with courtesy and respect
  • A firm knowledge of Texas law related to teen courts

For more information contact TMCEC at 512.320.8274

A project of the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center
in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation


2210 Hancock Dr.
Austin, TX 78756

Phone: 512.320.8274
Toll Free Line: 1.800.252.3718
Fax: 512.435.6118