MTSI is currently unable to fulfill many of the material orders that we normally ship for National Night Out or Municipal Court Week.
Your court is welcome to print whatever titles of our children’s books you might find helpful for your outreach from our website at where we have printable pdfs of all our traffic safety children’s book titles.
The only materials we currently have available for shipping for court events or community outreach are:
- Texas Road Tips
- Sober Prom cards (male and female)
- Assorted traffic safety posters
- Assorted traffic safety push cards
- DRSR rulers
- What If…A Story of Shattered Lives – Readers Theater (English and Spanish)
- DUI Mock Trial
If any of these available materials would help your court celebrate National Night Out or Municipal Court Week, we would love to ship these to you (in limited amounts). Just let us know how many you might need. Please email your requests to or
Another traffic safety education resource available to your court is AAA Texas. This wonderful organization has traffic safety education materials aimed at parents, teens, educators, and small children. The order form for these materials is located at
You can also contact your county TxDOT Traffic Safety Specialist (TSS). This is a list of TSS offices in the state. If you cannot find your TSS, please call (512)320-8274 or email us ( and we can assist you with contacting your TSS.
MTSI wants to thank the municipal courts of Texas for all they do for their communities.
For more information or assistance, please contact Liz De La Garza at or (512) 320-8274.
Information Sheets
Information Sheets are designed to be utilized by court staff when speaking to children. The sheets contain information on a variety of traffic safety and impaired driving issues. Feel free to print and distribute.
- Ignition Interlock Devices
- Marijuana and Driving
- Prescription Drugs & Driving
- Speeding – NEW updated information!
- What To Keep In Your Vehicle – NEW updated information!
- Young Drivers
The following links can be excellent resources for your court’s outreach program.
- A Guide to Implementing Electronic Warrants – A best practices guide for using eWarrants systems.
- Addiction Center – Drunk Driving – Addiction Center strives to help those with substance abuse disorders by providing information on all aspects of addiction and abuse, including impaired driving.
- The Cost of Impaired Driving – The experts at MoneyGeek have developed an information sheet outlining the financial and social costs of DWI.
- – Help is available for those with substance abuse problems. The mission of is to equip patients and families with resources and tools to overcome alcohol addiction and lead a lifetime of recovery.
- Governor’s Highway Safety Association – GHSA provides leadership and advocacy for state highway safety offices that implement programs to address impaired driving and other traffic safety issues.
- Kailee Mills Foundation – The Kailee Mills Foundation is about the importance of wearing seat belts. The goal of the foundation is to prevent other families from having to go through the same pain and loss that the Mills family went through with the death of their daughter, 16-year-old Kailee. Kailee was always helping people; this is her legacy: to help educate and impact the culture surrounding seat belt use and help families who have to endure loss.
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving – Founded by a mother whose daughter was killed by a drunk driver, MADD is the largest nonprofit in the country working to prevent impaired driving.
- – A national campaign to help educate drivers on new vehicle technologies designed to prevent crashes.
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration – NHTSA is responsible for reducing deaths, injuries, and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle crashes. This is accomplished by setting and enforcing safety performance standards for motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment, and through grants to state and local governments to enable them to conduct effective local highway safety programs.
- National Safety Council – The National Safety Council saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the roads through leadership, research, education, and advocacy.
- Texas Driving Concern – Our Driving Concern: The Texas Employer Traffic Safety Program is a program of the National Safety Council funded by TxDOT. The aim is to educate employers on the impact crashes will have on their businesses and to teach ways to help prevent crashes from happening. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of unintentional workplace deaths in the United States, and most of these crashes are preventable. This program provides a variety of resources for employers to help prevent these crashes and their bottom line. RSVP today for one of the free trainings or schedule your own by emailing
- Recall Report – Reports and updates on new dangerous drugs.
- Roadwise RX – This tool, developed by AAA, provides the potential impairment effects that prescription drugs can have on a driver.
- – This organization seeks to work cooperatively to save lives, prevent injuries, and reduce traffic-related healthcare and economic costs resulting from impaired driving (alcohol and other drugs). They collaborate with many criminal justice and community organizations to sponsor impaired driving campaigns. The website contains a wealth of resources to help combat impaired driving.
- Teens in the Driver Seat – Started in 2002, Teens in the Driver Seat is the first peer-to-peer program for teens that focuses solely on traffic safety and addresses all major risks for this age group.
- Texas Department of Transportation – TxDOT is a government agency responsible for overseeing all transportation in Texas.
- Travis County Underage Drinking Prevention Program – Funded by the National Highway Safety Administration through a grant administered by the Texas Department of Transportation, this program provides underage drinking prevention/anti-DWI presentations and information booths free to Travis, Hays and Williamson Counties. The presentations focus on the legal and social consequences of underage drinking; if youth ever find themselves in a situation with law enforcement or municipal court, they may have some idea of what to expect as well as what is expected of them.
For more information contact TMCEC at 512.320.8274
A project of the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center
in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation