Outreach & Presentations

Lesson Plans & Powerpoints for High School Students

These lessons may be utilized when presenting at a high school:

  • Fact or Fiction – by Mark Goodner, TMCEC Program Attorney & Deputy Counsel. This lesson is an interactive presentation using hypothesis to teach and test a students knowledge of the law through a game-show format. These lessons are ready for a Municipal Judge or Court Personnel to use in your classroom. These may also be adapted by a teacher to use as well.
  • Jury Trials and Traffic Safety – by Mark Goodner, TMCEC Program Attorney & Deputy Counsel. This lesson explores the jury trial process and the people’s right to a trail by an impartial jury. This lesson also covers Municipal Court jurisdiction and the number of traffic offenses that occur. These lessons are ready for a Municipal Judge or Court Personnel to use in your classroom. These may also be adapted by a teacher to use as well. Click here for powerpoint lesson and handouts.
  • Misdemeanors Matter – by Ned Minevitz, TMCEC Program Attorney & TxDOT Grant Administrator. This Powerpoint presentation shows the real life consequences of misdemeanors and how their significance should not be downplayed.

Interested in Presenting on Traffic Safety to Judicial Professionals?

MTSI is always looking for talented and knowledgeable speakers to present on transportation and traffic safety topics at TMCEC conferences and other events. Please contact Ned Minevitz at ned@tmcec.com or (512) 320-8274 to see if you might be a good fit!

For more information contact TMCEC at 512.320.8274

A project of the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center
in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation


2210 Hancock Dr.
Austin, TX 78756

Phone: 512.320.8274
Toll Free Line: 1.800.252.3718
Fax: 512.435.6118