Links to Traffic Safety or Educational Sites
Texas Law-Related Education (LRE)– Social Studies K-12 lessons, information, and student-centered games, emphasizing hands-on activities. LRE also hosts teacher in-services. A must for every social studies teacher.
Buckle Up Texas –
The mission of the Statewide Comprehensive Law Enforcement Liaison Support and Distracted Driving for Peace Officers Course is to promote traffic safety throughout the State of Texas, work in a supportive role with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), provide child passenger safety education and assistance, and instruct Law Enforcement on the topic of distracted driving.
Videos & PSAs from the Web
Below please find a selection of traffic safety-related videos and PSAs available for free viewing on the internet. These videos can be shown in the classroom as part of an MTSI lesson on traffic safety, they can serve as examples for students considering entering TMCEC’s annual PSA contest, or they can be shown in the courtroom or court lobby while waiting for court proceedings to begin.
- National Safety Council – Video Home. The home page for all traffic safety videos from the National Safety Council, including historical ones from the 60s and 70s. A treasure trove of traffic safety videos.
- Faces of Distracted Driving: tells the story people affected by distracted driving (most videos are about 5 minutes)
- Jacqui Saburido: Before and After: commercial featuring Jacqui Saburido, who was badly burned in a car crash when she was hit by a drunk driver (30 seconds)
For more on Jacqui, visit or contact MTSI for a copy of the DVD. - Texting and Driving PSA from the UK: graphic video on the consequences of distracted driving (5 minutes)
- The Last Text: documentary telling the stories of victims of texting-while-driving crashes, from AT&T (11 minutes)
- From One Second to the Next: a new documentary profiling texting-while-driving victims and drivers and the intense impact the crashes have had on all of their lives (35 minutes)
- Steer Clear: documentary about brothers who were in a crash where their ended up wrapped around a pole, from State Farm (5 minutes)
- If You Can’t Walk and Text…: commercial showing the dangers of walking and texting at the same time (15 seconds)
- The Last Word: moving commercial of a young boy attending his father’s funeral after a texting-while-driving crash (4 minutes)
- The Rock: soccer-themed commercial about having a designated driver (2 minutes)
- The Rock (Spanish): soccer-themed commercial about having a designated driver (2 minutes)
- Happy Hour FAIL: clever commercial using only social media to show the consequences of drinking and driving (2 minutes)
- Know When to Pass: Coach: football-themed commercial about passing up a drink or passing off your keys (30 seconds)
- Know when to Pass: Pre-Game: football-themed commercial about not drinking and driving (30 seconds)
- Why I Ticket: Deputy Culin: personal story from a law enforcement officer on why he writes tickets for seat belt violations, from from TxDOT’s Click It or Ticket campaign (30 seconds)
- Why I Ticket: Sgt. McDonald: personal story from a law enforcement officer on why he writes tickets for seat belt violations, from from TxDOT’s Click It or Ticket campaign (30 seconds)
- Why I Ticket: SPO Bremner (Spanish): personal story from a law enforcement officer on why he writes tickets for seat belt violations, from from TxDOT’s Click It or Ticket campaign (30 seconds)
- It Can Wait: anti-texting and driving website with various videos
Traffic Safety Education Links
K-3 – This resource webpage, Bicycle Safety Journey, has a wealth of videos, activities, and quizzes for bike riders aged 5-18.
Safety Belts
The Kailee Mills Foundation– A seat belt awareness program named in honor of the daughter who didn’t come home. Great resource for teens and young drivers.
Bicycle Safety – This website from the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute provides bicycle safety videos from many different sources for all ages. It also gives information on how to purchase the videos that are not free.
Pedestrian Safety
Pedestrian Safety AAA Exchange – great tips on staying safe from a nationwide leader in traffic safety!
Upper Elementary
Bicycle Safety 2006 Essential Guide to Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety – Bicycling Crashes, Lanes, Access, Federal Funding, NHTSA, Federal Highway Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (CD-ROM), $25 – This comprehensive CD-ROM has over 39,000 pages of material on bicycle and pedestrian safety. It is an invaluable educational resource. Available at – This website from the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute provides bicycle safety videos from many different sources for all ages. It also gives information on how to purchase the videos that are not free. – This resource webpage, Bicycle Safety Journey, has a wealth of videos, activities, and quizzes for bike riders aged 5-18. – This website focuses on bike fitness and safety.
Extreme Sports Safety – A short piece that highlights the growing popularity of extreme sports as well as examines injuries resulting from extreme sports as compared to those resulting from traditional sports. – No extreme sports links page is complete without a video of the epic wipe-out by Jake Brown at the X-Games. It serves as a reminder of what can happen if you “go big.”
Pedestrian Safety – From the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and TxDOT comes Road Wise: A Complete Traffic Safety Program Toolkit. Complete with PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, fact sheets, activities, news articles, and much more, this resource is truly all-encompassing. The topics that it covers include child passenger safety, aggressive driving, occupant protection, youth traffic safety, and more.
Middle School
Bicycle Safety
2006 Essential Guide to Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety, $25 – Bicycling Crashes, Lanes, Access, Federal Funding, NHTSA, Federal Highway Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (CD-ROM) – This comprehensive CD-ROM has over 39,000 pages of material on bicycle and pedestrian safety. It is an invaluable educational resource. Available at – This website from the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute provides bicycle safety videos from many different sources for all ages. It also gives information on how to purchase those videos that are not free. – This resource webpage, Bicycle Safety Journey, has a wealth of videos, activities, and quizzes for bike riders aged 5-18. – This website focuses on bicycle fitness and safety.
Bus Safety – A fun webpage providing safety tips for school bus travel. Extreme Sports Safety – A short piece that highlights the growing popularity of extreme sports as well as examines injuries resulting from extreme sports as compared to those resulting from traditional sports. – No extreme sports links page is complete without a video of the epic wipe-out by Jake Brown at the X-Games. It serves as a reminder of what can happen if you “go big.”
Pedestrian Safety – From the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and TxDOT comes Road Wise: A Complete Traffic Safety Program Toolkit. Complete with PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, fact sheets, activities, news articles, and much more, this resource is truly all-encompassing. The topics that it covers include child passenger safety, aggressive driving, occupant protection, youth traffic safety, and more.
High School
Bicycle Safety – This resource webpage, Bicycle Safety Journey, has a wealth of videos, activities, and quizzes for bike riders aged 5-18. – This website focuses on bicycle fitness and safety. Extreme Sports Safety – A short piece that highlights the growing popularity of extreme sports as well as examines injuries resulting from extreme sports as compared to those resulting from traditional sports. – No extreme sports links page is complete without a video of the epic wipe-out by Jake Brown at the X-Games. It serves as a reminder of what can happen if you “go big.”
Motorcycle Safety – Road Racerz is a website that helps cyclists pick the right safety gear and learn more about riding motorcycles. – Don’t even think about getting on a motorcycle without visiting the Motorcycle Safety Foundation first! Here, you can search for local motorcycle safety courses, watch safety videos, and more. – A comprehensive guide to motorcycle safety.
Pedestrian Safety – From the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and TxDOT comes Road Wise: A Complete Traffic Safety Program Toolkit. Complete with PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, fact sheets, activities, news articles, and much more, this resource is truly all-encompassing. The topics that it covers include child passenger safety, aggressive driving, occupant protection, youth traffic safety, and more.
Underage Drinking – this website gives lessons and play by play talks that care givers can give teens about the dangers of drinking and driving. For more information contact TMCEC at 512.320.8274.
A project of the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center
in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation