MTSI Constitutions
Our apologies, but MTSI is not currently carrying this publication. Here are some groups that may be able to help you with obtaining free or low-cost constitutions, but within limitations as to numbers and grade level:
- The Bill of Rights Institute (they will only send you 100, but they are free). Limited copies available.
- The CATO Institute (you have to pay shipping, but the constitutions are free)
- The Heritage Foundation (small shipping fee)
- The 917 Society gives out free constitutions to schools but in limited numbers. See their webpage for additional information.
MTSI Curriculum and Traffic Safety Education Materials
With funding from TxDOT, TMCEC worked with the Law-Related Education Department of the State Bar of Texas, to develop a series of classroom activities that infuse the traffic safety issues into social studies, language arts, and health classes.
The materials may be accessed via links below. Or, email for a thumb drive containing all of the materials. Bound printed copies of the materials are available at teacher training workshops offered in conjunction with school districts, education service centers, state teacher conferences, and the annual LRE conference. If you would like to sponsor a workshop, contact us at Trainings are free to schools, service centers, and groups interested in traffic safety education for children and young adults.
NEW DRSR Elementary Curriculum Guide
K – 3 Lessons and Activity Centers with Spanish handouts NEW! and Spanish handouts only NEW!
Teacher Resource Section (includes Why did the Chicken Cross the Road? and Pick Six) (web only)
Our Town Map
TxDOT Land Gameboard
Paper Bag Monkey Puppet
Do Nows – 2nd grade
Do Nows – 3rd grade
Do Nows – 4th grade
Do Nows – 5th grade
NEW DRSR Secondary Curriculum Guide
The lesson plans were designed to stand-alone as emergency substitute plans. There are four levels covering Kindergarten through High School classrooms. Not only do these materials support the acquisition of the Texas ELA and Social Studies Standards (the TEKS), but they simultaneously teach an extremely important (and often overlooked) topic-traffic safety. The information contained in these materials will help teach children some basic, yet potentially life-saving, safety information. For some students, application of the knowledge acquired through these activities could mean the difference between life and death.
Teacher Traffic Safety Academy Lessons
Judicial Lessons
Legislative Lessons
Executive Lessons
Writing Lessons
Safety Centers
These materials are designed to be independent centers activities for students to complete on their own. The centers have been created to incorporate both ELA and Social Studies TEKS.
Why Use These Materials?
Not only do these materials support the acquisition of Texas ELA and Social Studies Standards (the TEKS!), but they simultaneously teach an extremely important (and often overlooked) topic – traffic safety. According to the Center for Disease Control, crashes are the leading cause of death for children under the age of 19. In fact, more than 12,000 U.S. children die every year from unintentional injuries. The information contained in these materials will help teach children some basic, yet potentially life-saving, safety information. For some students, application of the knowledge acquired through these activities could mean the difference between life and death.
Information Sheets
These handouts are designed for use with outside resource persons when speaking to youth or student groups. They contain the latest statistics and information on the topics listed below in a summary format. We encourage you to make copies and distribute them as you speak before youth or adult groups. Please email if you would like to suggest other topics for information sheets.
- Aggressive Driving
- Bicycle Safety
- Cell Phones & Texting
- Distracted Driving
- Driving While Intoxicated & Driving Under the Influence
- Driving with Pets
- Drowsy Driving
- How Much a DWI Costs
- Ignition Interlock
- In-Line Skating
- Motorcycle Safety
- Passenger Safety
- Pedestrians
- Prescription Drugs & Driving
- Railroad Crossings
- School Buses & School Zones
- Safety Belts & Child Restraints
- Skateboarding
- Speeding
- Things With Wheels
- Turn Around Don’t Drown
- What To Keep In Your Vehicle NEW!
- Young Drivers
Texas Department of Public Safety Publications
Texas Driver Handbook 2022 English
Texas Driver Handbook 2017 Spanish
Reader’s Theater – What If… A Story of Shattered Lives:
This script about the consequences of drinking alcohol and driving offers middle school students an opportunity to perform and use their voices to depict characters in this tragedy. Suitable for youth groups and clubs, as well as classroom instruction. The script has vibrant color images throughout. Below there is also a PowerPoint presentation of the same images that can be projected in class for a more interactive reading experience. For printed versions, please contact
What If… A Story of Shattered Lives (English)
What If… PowerPoint of the Images (English)
Y qué si… La historia du unas vidas rotas (Spanish)
Y qué si… PowerPoint of the Images (Spanish)
For more information contact TMCEC at 512.320.8274
A project of the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center
in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation