Teacher Training!!!
All trainings are offered gratis to pre-service and classroom educators. The applications for the Teacher Traffic Safety Academy are OPEN. Please apply via this Google Form link or the QR code in the flyer below. Other summer workshops pending. Stay tuned to this page for updates!
A Day in the Municipal Court coloring book
Free to download and reproduce. Spanish version will be coming soon.
MTSI Mock Trial Videos
Texas teachers! Have you ever thought about starting a mock trial program in your classroom? Let MTSI, TMCEC, and TxDOT help!
MTSI (formerly known as DRSR) has created a series of videos to help Texas teachers begin a mock trial program in their classrooms! Created by classroom teachers, Debbie Keen and Cory Cummings, these videos help explain the mock trial process and give tips to teaching these in your classroom! Designed to be used with the updated MTSI Mock Trial Guide that will be available soon! For more information on these videos or any MTSI curriculum, please contact us via email at drsr@tmcec.com or call us at 512.0320.8274!
Video One: Intro to Mock Trials
Video Two: Direct and Cross Examination
Video Three: Impeaching the Witness
Video Four: Introducing Evidence
Video Five: Objections
Video Six: Opening Statements and Closing Arguments NEW
MTSI Constitutions
Our apologies, but MTSI is not currently carrying this publication. Here are some groups that may be able to help you with obtaining free or low-cost constitutions, but within limitations as to numbers and grade level:
- The Bill of Rights Institute (they will only send you 100, but they are free). Limited copies available. https://billofrightsinstitute.org/request-pocket-constitutions
- The CATO Institute (you have to pay shipping, but the constitutions are free) https://www.cato.org/books/cato-pocket-constitution
- The Heritage Foundation (small shipping fee) https://shop.heritage.org/products/pocket-constitution
- The 917 Society gives out free constitutions to schools but in limited numbers. See their webpage for additional information. https://www.917society.org/
The Community Safety Education Act – Texas Senate Bill 30
The Community Safety Education Act, formerly known as S.B. 30 and passed in the 2017 legislative session, establishes curriculum and instruction modules to teach high school students proper interaction with peace officers during traffic stops and other encounters. The law reads that topics of instruction will include proper behavior for civilians and police officers, laws regarding questioning and detention by police officers, consequences for a person’s failure to comply with the law, how and where to file a complaint against an officer, and a person’s rights concerning interactions with police officers.
MTSI working with educators and law enforcement has created a lesson that addresses all aspects of the Community Safety Education Act (S.B. 30). Please feel free to download the PDF of the lesson. Contact MTSI at DRSR@TMCEC.COM for questions about using this important lesson.
Click SB 30 New to download a PDF of this lesson.
Click on this to access the Community Safety Education Act/SB 30 Interactive PowerPoint. The PowerPoint is a very large file so it may take a few minutes to download.
For more information about the Community Safety Education Act (Texas Senate Bill 30) click on this for a PDF of the TEA guidelines.
MTSI Teacher Traffic Safety Academy Curriculum Archive
FY24 Mock Trial Lessons available here!
How to Qualify an Expert Witness Update
Opening Statements and Closing Arguments Update
FY23 Lessons available here!
First Day of School and PowerPoint First Day of School Lesson
Cars, the Constitution, and Courts and PowerPoint Cars, Const., & Appeals Court
FY22 Mock Trial Lessons available here!
How to Qualify an Expert Witness
Opening Statements and Closing Arguments
UPDATED Texas v. Casey Bryant Unscripted Mock Trial
FY21 Lessons available here!
Sources of Law – Lesson and Student Handouts and PowerPoint
Bureaucracy Excitement – Lesson and Student Handouts and PowerPoint
You’re Not the Boss of Me – Lesson and Student Handouts
For more information about the Teacher Traffic Safety Academy or any of our summer teacher workshops, please contact Elizabeth De La Garza at elizabeth@tmcec or call at (512)320-8274.
Lesson from the May 2023 Recorder: Characters in the Courtroom
Due to space constraints, the Characters in the Courtroom lesson presented in the May 2023 Recorder was truncated. If you are interested in presenting this lesson to children in your community, here it is in it’s entirety. If you would like to talk specifics such as how to present the lesson or best practices in presenting to children, please call us at (512)320-8274 and ask for Liz De La Garza. We would love to help you out!
in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation