Links to Traffic Safety or Educational Sites
Texas Department of Transportation
Texas Department of Public Safety
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Texas Law-Related Education (LRE)– Social Studies K-12 lessons, information, and student-centered games, with emphasis on hands-on activities. LRE also hosts teacher in-services. A must for every social studies teacher.
Buckle Up Texas –
The mission of the Statewide Comprehensive Law Enforcement Liaison Support and Distracted Driving for Peace Officers Course is to promote traffic safety throughout the State of Texas, work in a supportive role with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), provide child passenger safety education and assistance, and instruct Law Enforcement on the topic of distracted driving.
Video Lending Library
As part of Driving on the Right Side of the Road grant, TMCEC has created a lending library of DVDs that teachers, judges and court support personnel can borrow to make presentations before community and school groups. A list of the available DVDs can be found in the Lending Library Brochure, linked below. There is no charge and the loan period is two weeks. Email with the name of the DVD that you would like to borrow. You may borrow up to two at a time. Please provide us with a short description of how you intend to use the DVD and the name and mailing address to which it should be shipped. If you have ideas on other DVDs that TMCEC should add to its lending library, please email with your suggestions.
DRSR Lending Library Brochure_2015.pdf
Information Sheets
These handouts are designed for use with outside resource persons when speaking to youth or student groups. They contain the latest statistics and information on the topics listed below in a summary format. We encourage you to make copies and distribute them as you speak before youth or adult groups. Please email if you would like to suggest other topics for information sheets.
- Aggressive Driving
- Bicycle Safety
- Cell Phones & Texting
- Distracted Driving
- Driving While Intoxicated & Driving Under the Influence
- Driving with Pets
- Drowsy Driving
- How Much a DWI Costs
- Ignition Interlock
- In-Line Skating
- Motorcycle Safety
- Passenger Safety
- Pedestrians
- Prescription Drugs & Driving
- Railroad Crossings
- School Buses & School Zones
- Safety Belts & Child Restraints
- Skateboarding
- Speeding
- Things With Wheels
- Turn Around Don’t Drown
- What To Keep In Your Vehicle
- Young Drivers
Texas Statutes – current through November 2013
Bicycle Safety – This website from the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute provides bicycle safety videos from many different sources for all ages. It also gives information on how to purchase the videos that are not free.
I’m Safe on My Bike (I’m Safe Series), by Wendy and Paul Gordon, 1999, $5 – This is a paperback picture book that gives important bicycle safety tips through a fun story. Available at’s+Time+to+Start – These two “funky, fast paced” videos from NHTSA show students the dangers of biking without a helmet. – This resource webpage, Bicycle Safety Journey, has a wealth of videos, activities, and quizzes for bike riders aged 5-18.
Bus Safety – The National Coalition for School Bus Safety is one of the most comprehensive websites available concerning bus safety. It has fact summaries, accident data, scientific reports, presentations, and much more. It also addresses the need for safetybelts on school buses. – A fun webpage providing safety tips for school bus travel, a jigsaw puzzle, a great illustration of the danger zones around a stopped school bus, and some tips for walking near school.
Staying Safe on the School Bus (Safety First), by Joanne Mattern, 2007, $7 – Provides important safety tips for children that ride the school bus. Available at
Safety Belts – is a great resource for youngsters just beginning to learn about car and bus safety. It reviews safety belt basics, booster seat safety, airbags, buses, and other general health topics. It is easy to read, yet it covers many topics in-depth.
Pedestrian Safety
Safety on Wheels with the Safety Sarge (DVD), $30 – The Safety Sarge – a man dressed up in military fatigues – shows kids how to be safe on bicycles, scooters, skateboards, in cars, and as a pedestrian. He pays special attention to the necessity of wearing a helmet. Available at
Upper Elementary
Bicycle Safety
2006 Essential Guide to Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety – Bicycling Crashes, Lanes, Access, Federal Funding, NHTSA, Federal Highway Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (CD-ROM), $25 – This comprehensive CD-ROM has over 39,000 pages of material on bicycle and pedestrian safety. It is an invaluable educational resource. Available at – This website from the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute provides bicycle safety videos from many different sources for all ages. It also gives information on how to purchase the videos that are not free.’s+Time+to+Start – These two “funky, fast paced” videos from NHTSA show students the dangers of biking without a helmet. – This resource webpage, Bicycle Safety Journey, has a wealth of videos, activities, and quizzes for bike riders aged 5-18.
Bus Safety – The National Coalition for School Bus Safety is one of the most comprehensive websites available concerning bus safety. It has fact summaries, accident data, scientific reports, presentations, and much more. It also addresses the need for safetybelts on school buses. – A fun webpage providing safety tips for school bus travel, a jigsaw puzzle, a great illustration of the danger zones around a stopped school bus, and some tips for walking near school.
Extreme Sports Safety – A short piece that highlights the growing popularity of extreme sports as well as examines injuries resulting from extreme sports as compared to those resulting from traditional sports. – This short research article by MassGeneral Hospital for Children offers a brief overview of both the benefits and safety risks of extreme sports such as skateboard and inline skating. – No extreme sports links page is complete without a video of the epic wipe-out by Jake Brown at the X-Games. It serves as a reminder of what can happen if you “go big.”
Safety Belts – is a great resource for youngsters just beginning to learn about car and bus safety. It reviews safety belt basics, booster seat safety, airbags, buses, and other general health topics. It is easy to read, yet it covers many topics in-depth.
Pedestrian Safety – From the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and TxDOT comes Road Wise: A Complete Traffic Safety Program Toolkit. Complete with PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, fact sheets, activities, news articles, and much more, this resource is truly all-encompassing. The topics that it covers include child passenger safety, aggressive driving, occupant protection, youth traffic safety, and more.
Safety on Wheels with the Safety Sarge (DVD), $30 – The Safety Sarge – a man dressed up in military fatigues – shows kids how to be safe on bicycles, scooters, skateboards, in cars, and as a pedestrian. He pays special attention to the necessity of wearing a helmet. Available at
Middle School
Bicycle Safety
2006 Essential Guide to Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety, $25 – Bicycling Crashes, Lanes, Access, Federal Funding, NHTSA, Federal Highway Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (CD-ROM) – This comprehensive CD-ROM has over 39,000 pages of material on bicycle and pedestrian safety. It is an invaluable educational resource. Available at – This website from the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute provides bicycle safety videos from many different sources for all ages. It also gives information on how to purchase those videos that are not free.’s+Time+to+Start – These two “funky, fast paced” videos from NHTSA show students the dangers of biking without a helmet. – This resource webpage, Bicycle Safety Journey, has a wealth of videos, activities, and quizzes for bike riders aged 5-18.
Bus Safety – The National Coalition for School Bus Safety is one of the most comprehensive websites available concerning bus safety. It has fact summaries, accident data, scientific reports, presentations, and much more. It also addresses the need for safety belts on school buses. – A fun webpage providing safety tips for school bus travel, a jigsaw puzzle, a great illustration of the danger zones around a stopped school bus, and some tips for walking near school.
Extreme Sports Safety – A short piece that highlights the growing popularity of extreme sports as well as examines injuries resulting from extreme sports as compared to those resulting from traditional sports. – This short research article by MassGeneral Hospital for Children offers a brief overview of both the benefits and safety risks of extreme sports such as skateboard and inline skating. – No extreme sports links page is complete without a video of the epic wipe-out by Jake Brown at the X-Games. It serves as a reminder of what can happen if you “go big.”
Safety Belts – Provides safety belt statistics and accident photographs that are sure to make even the most stubborn passengers buckle up!
Pedestrian Safety – From the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and TxDOT comes Road Wise: A Complete Traffic Safety Program Toolkit. Complete with PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, fact sheets, activities, news articles, and much more, this resource is truly all-encompassing. The topics that it covers include child passenger safety, aggressive driving, occupant protection, youth traffic safety, and more.
High School
Aggressive and Distracted Driving
Crashproof Your Kids: Make Your Teen a Safer, Smarter Driver, by Timothy C. Smith, 2006, $17 – Certified driving instructor Timothy C. Smith has compiled a list of behind-the-wheel exercises designed to make new drivers safer. Available at
Students and Distracted Driving – How Parents and Schools Can Teach Safe Habits
Bicycle Safety
2006 Essential Guide to Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety – Bicycling Crashes, Lanes, Access, Federal Funding, NHTSA, Federal Highway Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (CD-ROM), $25 – This comprehensive CD-ROM has over 39,000 pages of material on bicycle and pedestrian safety. It is an invaluable educational resource. Available at – This website from the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute provides bicycle safety videos from many different sources for all ages. It also gives information on how to purchase the videos that are not free.’s+Time+to+Start – These two “funky, fast paced” videos from NHTSA show students the dangers of biking without a helmet. – This resource webpage, Bicycle Safety Journey, has a wealth of videos, activities, and quizzes for bike riders aged 5-18.
Bus Safety – The National Coalition for School Bus Safety is one of the most comprehensive websites available concerning bus safety. It has fact summaries, accident data, scientific reports, presentations, and much more. It also addresses the need for safety belts on school buses. – A fun webpage providing safety tips for school bus travel, a jigsaw puzzle, a great illustration of the danger zones around a stopped school bus, and some tips for walking near school.
Extreme Sports Safety – A short piece that highlights the growing popularity of extreme sports as well as examines injuries resulting from extreme sports as compared to those resulting from traditional sports. – This short research article by MassGeneral Hospital for Children offers a brief overview of both the benefits and safety risks of extreme sports such as skateboard and inline skating. – No extreme sports links page is complete without a video of the epic wipe-out by Jake Brown at the X-Games. It serves as a reminder of what can happen if you “go big.”
Motorcycle Safety – Don’t even think about getting on a motorcycle without visiting the Motorcycle Safety Foundation first! Here, you can search for local motorcycle safety courses, watch safety videos, and more. – provides an introductory Motorcycle Safety Resource Guide, including information about equipment and maintenance.
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s Guide to Motorcycling Excellence: Skills, Knowledge, and Strategies for Riding Right (2nd Edition), 2005, $16 – This 192-page book gives motorcyclists all the information that they need to ride safely. It is probably the most comprehensive and best written primer on motorcycle safety available. Available at – A comprehensive guide to motorcycle safety.
Pedestrian Safety – From the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and TxDOT comes Road Wise: A Complete Traffic Safety Program Toolkit. Complete with PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, fact sheets, activities, news articles, and much more, this resource is truly all-encompassing. The topics that it covers include child passenger safety, aggressive driving, occupant protection, youth traffic safety, and more.
Safety Belts – Provides safety belt statistics and accident photographs that are sure to make even the most stubborn passengers buckle up!
Underage Drinking – This website comes from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. It presents some grizzly statistics associated with underage drinking. It also delves into the question of why adolescents drink, describes the health risks, and suggests some possible prevention strategies.
Underage Drinking (Issues that Concern You), by James Austin, 2009, $30 – At 104 pages and at a young adult reading level, this book is ideal for a new high school student. It presents issues and dangers surrounding underage drinking. Isn’t it best for children to educate themselves about drinking before they are given the opportunity to try it in real life? Available at
For more information contact TMCEC at 512.320.8274
A project of the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center
in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation