Welcome to the Judges and Clerks page!
The Lessons and Handouts page has several lessons with their handouts for use by Municipal Court personnel to use with school age children during their presentations. The Children’s Books page has all of our children’s books that are currently available for shipping to a Municipal Court. They are in PowerPoint form and also have MP3 files that can be used to read to the students.
The Material Request Form page has our form to request materials for any presentation or event a court might be hosting. Courts can also just email us their requests (at elizabeth@tmcec.com, or ned@tmcec.com) or call us directly at 512-320-8274 or 1-800-252-3718.
The Sample PowerPoint page gives several PowerPoint presentations that Judges and Clerks can use to present to young students, older students, adults, and general community groups.
The Traffic Safety Resources page has helpful websites, videos, and information dealing with traffic safety and children in grades Kindergarten through High School.
If you would like to volunteer for our Community Outreach groups, please go to the Volunteer for Outreach page to sign up for Judges in the Classroom or our Clerks in the Classroom groups!
For more information contact TMCEC at 512.320.8274
A project of the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center
in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation